Unlike Integrated Science, Combined Science no longer test 'alternative to practical' but evaluates performance of learners through actual practicals under specified conditions. For many years candidates were writing paper 3 in Intergrated science which was dedicated to experiments and most schools were not doing the actual practicals to help students understand, but emphasise on the known results of an experiment
This was inadequate and couldn't equip students for real life situations where science applies, The major purpose of learning science is to become creative and innovative is solving real life problems, Many candidates who scored 'A's in integrated science can face challenges inserting a fuse in a three pin plug because they just read about its uses and importance in a electric circuit but couldn't practice connecting it.
However the challenges are that, many poor schools are still to construct science laboratories, let alone buy adequate equipments and apparatus needed for the experiments. The experiments can be improvised through the use of available resources, which needs the creativity of both teachers and learners.
Is your school fully equipped for the required experiments and practicals?