Although many schools have since adopted a calculator version MATHS syllabus, a significant number of candidates are still registering for a non-calculator version. Many teachers have decided to skip teaching topics that are essential for a non-calculator syllabus.
Many candidates are getting into the exam room without perfect knowledge on how to attempt a non-calculator syllabus. Finishing the second paper is still a challenge for the candidates and they lack skills to calculate complex expressions that are easy on a calculator.
Non-calculator Math Candidate? This blog posts will help you with tips and tricks around the exam.
1. Know how to use logarithms and antilogs.
Don't ignore this topic! Antilogs and logs are used to calculate complex expressions including multiplying sines, cosines and tangents of angle and other decimal fractions. Use of antilogs makes the whole life easy for you in the exam.
2. Use a ruler to look up for a value in the table.
Many candidates make mistakes when looking up a value in the tables and eventually picks a wrong value from the table lists. Make sure you use a ruler to avoid mistakes that might costs you marks.
3. Always use tables to find squares and square roots
If you try to find squares and square roots using other means, you will obviously not finish the exam. Learn to use tables to find square roots of numbers that are not perfect squares.
4. Use tables when multiplying decimal fractions
Decimal fractions can eat up half of your exam time if you try to multiply or divide them the traditional way. Learn how to find a solution the shorter way through the use of tables.
5. Identify a reciprocal and use tables
A reciprocal is a decimal value of a fraction whose numerator is 1. Don't stress yourself by trying to find the decimal fraction through division process, it's right there in your reciprocal tables.
These are some of the few tips for a non calculator version. If a non calculator Math candidate understand the use of tables, they are at par with someone who registered a calculator version.
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